The winner of the Featured Item contest is Looklet user glitteryredshoes. Sorry, there are no runners-up for this contest. For those who sent in your entries, thank you and you can try your luck again in the next contest.
Just in case you have any questions or suggestions, please do send me a note or two.
The Serious Stuff
Hello readers! Thanks for stopping by my little blog that no one really reads. First of all, I want to stress out that credit is given where it is deserved. If you see your work or photos displayed here without being credited, send me a note and I will fix that for you A.S.A.P.. It's only a blog you know.
All collages that you see on Fashion Etc. were made specifically for this blog. If you want to repost them anywhere else on the web, just give Fashion Etc. the credit.
thankyou for making my the winner:) cant wait for the next contest xx